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Parking stress? Ride with us - save yourself the hassle.

Alexander Wiegel

Dear students, teachers and staff,

at the start of the new semester, we at AStA would like to try to at least somewhat counteract the lack of parking spaces with the resources available to us, and at the same time do something good for the environment and your wallet.

To this end, we are drawing attention on a large scale to the provisionally set up carpooling platform on Moodle in order to breathe life into it at the start of the semester.

However, any advertising can only make a difference if we all try to get involved - be it just by sharing, but even better by actively using the platform and (if necessary) jumping over our own shadow.

See for yourself and register (preferably with your profile picture!) today in the central e-learning to access the course and, ideally, even create or “book” your first trip directly:

Since the platform is on Moodle, it can only be used and viewed by members of Fulda University after registration with their FD number.

Thank you so much for your time and help!

Alexander Wiegel
Alex is the 1st Chairman of the AStA and was one of the main people responsible for this year's campus festival.

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