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Semester ticket refund

General information about the semester ticket, the amount of the semester ticket fee, its scope and more can be found under the Semesterticket service point.

Reimbursement of the Deutschlandsemesterticket fee

The deadline for applying for a refund of the SoSe25 ticket is 27.04.2025

The contract basis for the semester ticket is the solidarity model. The reason for this is that a semester ticket is only profitable for transport companies if all enrolled students (excluding students from distance learning courses) are encouraged to make their contribution.

The Deutschlandsemesterticket contribution refund application can be submitted in the online refund portal after reading the information below.


Here is the link to Statute for the reimbursement of the Deutschlandsemesterticket contribution.

Applications for the summer semester 2025 can be submitted once the applicant has re-registered in Horstl.
Observe the application deadline!

Please send questions to

Unfortunately, there are always misunderstandings when submitting an application!
So let's start with some brief information:

  • The RESST system communicates via your university email address, so don't forget to check it regularly.
  • Only submit the application once you have been re-registered and all documents are available.
  • Attention when it comes to semesters abroad and internships abroad: three full months are not equal to 3 full months, see below.

The refund

First of all, these points should be considered:

  • Responsibility for the application process: The processing of applications, approval or rejection is the sole responsibility of the AStA. AStA is also exclusively responsible for answering potential questions (after you have read the application information on our homepage). You can find us in building 50 on the 1st floor, we can be reached by telephone at +49 661 9629 140 or by email at to achieve. Reimbursement will only be made after approval of the application and final processing by the Office of Student Affairs; the transfer will be initiated by the university's financial management to the account stored in Horstl.
  • Only when the semester fee has been paid at all is a refund possible! In general, every student must pay the semester fee to the university by direct debit, otherwise they do not have a semester ticket and will even be exmatriculated. Distance students without attendance requirements, guest students who pay a lower contribution, are not in possession of the semester ticket.
  • Submission deadline: The online application Reimbursement must be made no later than the second Sunday after the start of lectures Fulda University's semester schedule (SoSe 2025: 27.04.2025), all required documents applications submitted no later than the third Sunday (SoSe 2025: 04.05.2025) can be submitted to the Rest online system. All applications submitted too late will no longer be processed. In the case of incomplete applications, the AStA asks the applicant by email to submit missing evidence. If the university email address is not regularly used by applicants and so emails from RESST or from If the set deadline expires without or with insufficient feedback, the application can be rejected immediately. So: Only submit an application when all documents are available!

Reimbursement reasons

1. Semester abroad/ internship abroad

Reimbursement of the Deutschlandsemesterticket fee due to:
- a stay at a university outside Germany, or
- an internship as part of a course of study outside Germany
for at least 3 full months within the semester at Fulda University for which reimbursement is requested. (SoSe 01.04. - 30.09. or WiSe 01.10. - 30.03. of the following year)

Example of insufficient internship time:
- in summer term: 12.01. - 26.06.
- Wise: 12.07. - 23.12.

2. Severe disability

Reimbursement of the Deutschlandsemester ticket fee for severely disabled people who are entitled to transportation in accordance with SGB IX and prove that they have the supplement to the disability pass and the associated token, which is still valid for at least 3 full months within the semester at Fulda University for which the refund is requested.

3. Vacation semester

Reimbursement of the Deutschlandsemester ticket fee due to a vacation semester.

4. Double enrollment

For students who are enrolled at two universities with compulsory acceptance of the Deutschlandsemesterticket, the Deutschlandsemesterticket fee can be refunded at a university. It must be confirmed that a refund application is submitted only at one university.

5. State Ticket Hesse

Reimbursement of the Deutschlandsemester ticket fee due to the simultaneous possession of the State Ticket Hesse (with a printed validity of at least 3 full months within the semester at Fulda University for which the refund is requested).

The 6 steps to reimburse the semester ticket fee

1. Inform

Which of the 5 refund reasons above applies to you? If you are not sure, please ask again by email to

2. Feedback in horstl

Please only apply for a refund of the German Semester Ticket fee once you have issued your direct debit mandate in Horstl for the semester fee from which you would like to receive back the share of the German Semester Ticket and have also signed back in Horstl as a second step. After the application has been submitted, the suspension will be noted by us in Horstl and You will receive an email of
You will then not have access to the German Semester Ticket.

3. Obtain evidence

  • For the approval of a Vacation Semester (University's application for leave of absence), the "Studienbüro" is responsible (the deadline for the vacation application is 15/04 in summer and 15/10 in winter term). If the vacation request has been approved, the Certificate of study will contain the Status "Leave of absence". You must then upload this certificate to RESST in your online application.
  • In case of Semester abroad Is a copy or Enrollment certificate from the host university (not just approval!) necessary, which must specify the period of study abroad, which must be at least 3 full months per semester at Fulda University of Applied Sciences for which reimbursement is requested. This certificate is usually only issued abroad after arrival at the host university. You must then upload the international enrollment certificate in your online application to RESST.
    Here you can find a form, on which you can have your host university certify the duration of the semester.
  • In case of Internship abroads is a A copy of the contract or a binding confirmation from the internship necessary. Make sure that all signatures/stamps are present. The duration of the internship must be specified and must be at least 3 full months per semester at Fulda University of Applied Sciences for which reimbursement is requested. You must then upload the internship certificate/contract in your online application to RESST.
  • In the case of a double enrollment Is a copy of semester fee notice from the other university, From which it is clear that a German semester ticket has been purchased, is required. You must also confirm in writing that a refund application has only been submitted at Fulda University of Applied Sciences. To do this, you must the Affidavit semester ticket at two universities fill out and sign. You then upload these documents to RESST in your online application.
  • A copy of Disability pass and supplement with associated Token, which must be valid for at least three months in the semester for which the application is submitted, is required as proof of free transportation due to severe disability. You must then upload these documents to RESST in your online application.
  • A copy of Landes-Ticket-Hessen (issued only to employees of the state of Hesse) is required as proof of free transportation. You must then upload this to RESST in your online application.

4. Submitting the request

  • The application must be submitted to the AStA online system no later than 2 weeks after the start of lectures
  • All required documents must be in the online system for processing
  • Deadlines must be observed!

5. Review of the application:

  • After all documents have been submitted, your application will be reviewed by the AStA.

6. Reimbursement of the German semester ticket amount:

  • If your request for a refund has been approved, it will be sent to the Office for further processing.
    The semester ticket fee will be transferred back from the university to the account you have deposited in Horstl, subject to deduction of the application processing fees. The bank account must be unique. The transfer process is carried out by the university, not by the AStA.

Read everything? Then you are welcome to follow the link to the online application:

Arbeit in einer internationalen Nichtregierungsorganisation
BFD 470€/Monat
NETZ Partnerschaft für Entwicklung und Gerechtigkeit e.V.
Werksstudenten für Projekte im Bereich Qualität- und Produktion (m/w/d)
Werkstudententätigkeit 20h/w
HKS Dreh-Antriebe GmbH®
Vergütung aus fixem und variablem Gehalt
Medienkontor M. Angelstein GmbH & Co. KG
Learning & Development Specialist (m/w/d)
Milupa GmbH
Erlebnispädagogische Betreuung von Schulklassen 5-9 in Bad Kissingen
Minijob, Kurzfristig beschäftigt (Saisonarbeit), Honorarbasis
Werkstudent (gn) Field Application Engineering
Proemion GmbH
Betreuung von Grundschulkindern
Minijob 17€/h
Sexualpädagogik an Grundschulen in Fulda und Umgebung
Minijob 20€/h
Donum vitae Fulda
Ferienbetreuer*innen (m/w/d) in den hessischen Schulferien
Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden
Werkstudent:in Social Media und Community Management (w/m/d) im Cluster Tourismus
Werkstudent:in 10 h/w
Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH
Studierende Soziale Arbeit oder vergleichbares (m/w/d) für die offene Jugendarbeit, u.m.
Jugendkulturfabrik Magistrat der Stadt Fulda
Werkstudent (m/w/d) im Bereich Personalentwicklung / Learning & Development
WEMO-tec GmbH
Werkstudenten (m/w/d) für Datenpflege
max. 20 Stunden die Woche
Werkstudenten/-innen (m/w/d) Sozialarbeit/Sozialpädagogik/Pädagogik
12-20 Stunden/Woche, befristet bis 31.12.2025
Unterstützung in der Praxisorganisation (m/w/d)
Werkstudent/studentische Hilfskraft
Dr. med. Ralf George (Urologie, Andrologie)
Haushaltshilfe 1*wöchentlich gesucht
Lehrgangsleiter (m, w, d) für Erste Hilfe Schulungen (Die Ausbildung erfolgt kostenfrei und die Einsatztage sind frei wählbar)
Pro Life Gesellschaft für Notfall- und Gesundheitsschulungen mbH
Tennis Trainer/in gesucht
Honorar / Übungsleiterpauschale
Tanner Tennis Club
Werkstudent / studentische Hilfskraft (m/w/d)
Werkstudenten, Minijob, Teil-/Vollzeit
Alt . Kemmler . Kowalski Rechtsanwälte
Freizeitbegleitung/ Begleitperson
Social Media Assistenz als Minijob
Minijob (ca. 30 Stunden/Monat)
Winter Fahrzeugtechnik GmbH
Werkstudent / studentische Hilfskraft (m/w/d)
Werkstudenten, Minijob, Teil-/Vollzeit
Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Alt, Kemmler & Kowalski
Lagerhelfer (m/w/d) auf Minijob-Basis
Imkereibedarf-Profi GmbH
Informatik(-Studierende) w/m/d für IT-Team
UDS Beratung GmbH
Minijob-Angebot IT (Webseiten)
Neben- bzw Minijob, hauptsächlich Homeoffice
Werksstudent Qualität (m/w/d)
Milupa GmbH (Danone)
Mitarbeiter Finanzbuchhaltung/ Accountant (m/w/d)
IT-Support Linux (alle Geschlechter)
it-novum GmbH
Promoter (m/w/d)
HGS Concept GmbH
Aushilfe / Werkstudent im Bereich Debitorenbuchhaltung (m/w/d)
Werkstudent / Aushilfe
Woco Industrietechnik GmbH
Begleitperson / Freizeitbegleitung
Praktikanten (m/w/d) für das Praxissemester des Studiengangs Soziale Arbeit im Bereich berufliche Rehabilitation
BBZ Mitte GmbH
Pflichtpraktikum Ernährungswissenschaften Oecotrophologie (m/w/d)
Streetworker [m/w/d] für das Projekt startpunkt
Bildungswerk der nordhessischen Wirtschaft gGmbH
Sozialpädagoge (m/w/d)
Bildungswerk der nordhessischen Wirtschaft gGmbH
Werkstudent (m/w/d) in der Bauleitung Tiefbau
Köster GmbH
Betreuer*in Kinder- und Jugendtreff Südend
AWO Kreisverband Fulda e.V.
Projekt- und Prozessmanager (M/W/D)
BLG Handelslogistik GmbH & Co. KG
Servicekraft (mwd) in Vinothek vorwiegend Fr.+Sa.
Rebkultur GmbH
Praktikant/Trainee (m/w/d) im Investmentbereich
Jannik Orf
Pädagogische Mitarbeiter (m/w/d)
Werkstudenten, Minijob, Teil-/Vollzeit
Caritas Jugendhilfeverbund St. Elisabeth
Honorarkräfte zur Betreuung von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung/Begleitung von Ferienreisen
Gemeinsam Leben - Gemeinsam Lernen e.V.
Haushaltslotsen zur kurzfristigen Unterstützung bei der Alltagsbewältigung (m/w/d)
Honorar auf Abrufbasis
DHB - Netzwerk Haushalt, Landesverband Hessen e. V.
Honorarkräfte im Jugendtreff Nord gesucht
Jugendtreff Nord – Stadt Fulda
Schuljahr 24-25 Aushilfslehrkräfte (m/w/d) gesucht
Heinrich-von-Bibra-Schule Fulda
Betreuungskraft oder AG-Leitung
Honorarkraft / Übungsleiter
Du hast Lust auf das Thema Speiseeis?
Die Eisheiligen
Vertretungslehrer (m/d/w) für alle Fächer und Lerngruppen unserer Haupt- und Realschule
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Jugendhilfe im Strafverfahren
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